Friday, 14 August 2015

Basic Embedded C

Hi Folks,
As a part of Sharing the Technical Stuff, here is basic Embedded C language Contents.
Do go through the contents.
Use it, Instruction Pages too are attached.
All the Documents are listed below.

How to use keil uVision IDE (Version 5) -- Document.

Header files required to use. --- Files

List of Programs with ".C" files (source code) and Simulation file (Proteus Files).

Sr.No. Name Source Code Simulation File
5.1 LED blinking
5.2 Flashing LED
5.3 Running LED / Chasing LED
5.4 LED blinking as odd or even number combination
5.5 LED blinking as Prime number combination
5.6 LED blinking in binary Format
5.7 Button or Switch interfacing for LED control
5.8 Button or Switch interfacing for Different patterns of LED 
5.9 Relay Controlling using Switch
5.10 Multiple Relays and LED controlling with buttons
5.11 Traffic Light Solution 
5.12 LCD interfacing
5.13 Key and LCD interfacing
5.14 Interrupt driven programming
5.15 Motor Interfacing (DC Motor with L293D)

Total Source Code + Simulation Files : Download