Friday, 21 November 2014

Texas instruments Chronowatch development tool for MSP430

Here is new Gadget in My Hand having Lots of feature to work on.
it is having
  • Basic watch functions:
    • Time
    • Date
    • Alarm
    • Stopwatch
  • Sensor Measurement and display:
    • Altitude
    • 3-Axis accelerometer
    • Battery voltage
    • Temperature
  • Fitness Functions (Requires an compatible heart rate monitor):
    • Heart rate
    • Running speed
    • Distance traveled
    • Calories burned
  • Wireless Modes:
    • ACC: Transmit accelerometer motion data
    • PPT: Wireless presentation control or bind Chronos keys to PC keyboard shortcuts
    • Sync: Syncs time and date with PC and calibrates Temperature and Altitude

  • Wireless Protocols Included:
    • SimpliciTI
    • BlueRobin

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Canon Hack Development Kit (CHDK)

Have you ever thought of OS working in your digi cams and if you have One of Canon's Cam then this is CHDK is best platform Wiki Group to check out.

Monday, 21 April 2014

MATLAB Design Challenge

As per design challenge given to SE (E &TC) students the solution for the diagram shown below in MATLAB is attached.

.m Code for is here

Friday, 11 April 2014

Creation using MATLAB... (Imagination and Creation)

We as our childhood memory, best practice of Drawing a Home on Paper.
So this gives us a chance to recall the memory using MATLAB tool.
Simple use of PLOT command can make a wonders on the screen.
Here is simple program attached for the simple demonstration.
The same Home is designed using Plot command of MATLAB.

Attached .m file for your Reference  

Sunday, 6 April 2014

PIC 16F877A Interfacing Hardware (Assembly Language Programs)

Various Hardware Interfacing Examples are Shown with PIC16F877A Microcontroller as
1. LED Interfacing
2. Switches Interfacing
3. Relay Interfacing
4. Buzzer Interfacing
5. LCD Interfacing
6. Matrix Keyboard 4 x 4 Interfacing

Check out the Programs and Simulation Files
Software Used are
B. Proteus ISIS Simulator

Programs and Simulation Files

Embedded C Workshop Contents (Programs, Simulation Files and PPTs)

Planetarium Software Really good One (Best part it's Open Source)

Stellaruim is one of the very nice and easy to use Planetarium software.
There are lot of things which make it best out of available sw.
Do check out the Video...

Stellarium Intro.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Draw wires on Page and it starts conducting (Circuit Scribe) :)

Really waiting this technology to become a day to day practice.
it is just amazing to see things working like that (Material science Magic).
Check out the video link Shared by Ashish (My SE E &TC Student)
do check out...

Friday, 28 March 2014

Propeller Clock (Just Amazing)

This is based on Persistence of Vision for Human beings.
The frequency of LED blinking is adjusted with programming so precisely it starts producing amazing displays.

Even better 3D version with RGB.

LED Cube ............

You can use LED cube to form different patterns.
The major design challenge lies in power supply.
To provide sufficient amount of supply to each led is the Challenge.

This is 8 x 8 x 8 LED cube

This is 32 x 32 x32 LED cube

Micromouse Robot Competition :) -m-

Really Amazing stuff for Maze computations.
Programming skill is at its best.
Reading sensors and deciding the track.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Study Foreign University Courses online for Free!

Under MOOC's Massive Open Online Courses offers lot different online courses over 85+ universities of the world.

Similar websites can be found @

Wearable Gesture Control from Thalmic Lab

Do check out the Link and Video amazing Technology.

Gesture Control :)

Convert Any Surface into a touch screen display for your PC

This interactive Human - Computer Machine Interface project is using Nintendo Companies Wii Gaming console remote control.
Do see the Video Demo

Interactive Display with Multi-touch capability.

My first Robot Vehicle ver1.0

My first Robot Vehicle designed and developed using Microcontroller P89v51RD2.

The Simple demo is shown of autonomous vehicle.

Will Continue on building the more featured Robotic Vehicle. :)

Sixth Sense device by Mr. Pranav Mistri

This was really amazing technology provided as open source to all by Mr. Pranav Mistri.
I seen this video way back in year 2009 and sharing with you all.

Thrilling power of Sixth Sense.

Proteus Software Learning Tutorial

Proteus is Simulation Environment for Electronics circuit.
The video tutorial for beginners.

Simple Circuit Simulation in ISIS Proteus Simulator

MATLAB for beginners

MATLAB is a very Powerful tool for Mathematical analysis of different design challenges.
have a look @video tutorial if you are new to the field of MATLAB do go through the video tut. and continue with more and more video tuts available online... :)

MATLAB Tutorial For Beginners